Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Most people think that making money online is one of the most difficult things in the world and yet the reality is that anyone can make some serious money online. It really is easier than you think. Through this article you will learn how to do it fast and easy. So be ready with your bank account, because you will earn a lot of money if you follow these tips.

The basic requirements to successful marketing on the Internet can be broken down to 5 key elements...

· A quality product

· Traffic

· Building a list

· Relationship building and

· Budget.

The first key element is a “quality product”. You must have a quality product for a couple of reasons. Initially you need people to want your product and for it to accomplish its purpose - it it's no good, they won't buy. But, even if you can get people to purchase an inferior product or scam the first time, they will never buy from you again and you have totally defeated the long term goal of your marketing... customer retention, i.e. people on your list buying over and over when you introduce new items. In addition, you need to believe in the worth of your product to the consumer... if you don't, you simply will not be as successful in selling it.

Next, the second key element is that there must be enough “traffic” coming to your site. The traffic should be increased at regular times, because you will have more chances of sales or ad sense clicks, being visited by more people and more chances to earn money online. You need to create one or more methods of getting that traffic to your site and the best traffic is targeted. Targeted traffic results in a better conversion rate and therefore, more economical both in time and money. This can be accomplished in a number of different ways... from free on up. Once the traffic arrives at your site, it is very important to attempt to get the visitor's contact information... name and email at a minimum.

The third key element is “Building a list”. It is true that "The money is in the List". Often, the first time a prospect visits a site they won't actually do anything and there is a very real risk that they will forget about it later... when they are interested or have the time to look. If you haven't captured their contact information, you have forever lost that person... again, wasting marketing dollars. The page to do this is called a squeeze page, capture page or landing page with opt-in. It is also helpful to give something away, such as a repost, an e-book, etc. to entice the prospect to opt-in. However, that give-away must be of use to the person opting in so they feel that they received something of value. By doing this you are beginning to build a relationship. If the give-away provides nothing, you have done more harm than good to the promising relationship.

The next important key element is “Relationship”. Relationship or credibility is the next key to success in any form of marketing. People only purchase products or join programs when they trust or respect you. One of the best methods of creating this trust or respect on the impersonal "World Wide Web" is to use an auto responder to distribute a series of emails to the prospect at regular intervals. In these messages you can continue to talk about the benefits of the product or program you are selling. In addition, occasional broadcasts with key events or timely information maintain contact and build credibility. The regular emails create name recognition and imply some level or skill (even when you are just staring out - you know... "Fake it till you make it!") Audio or video on your website also help to create come familiarity and develop trust. People make initial buying decisions based on trust and continue to be interested in other offers over time from the same source resulting in customer retention.

Finally, but not necessarily last, you must have a “budget” set aside for marketing. Unless you have unlimited funds and don't mind wasting them, it is important that your product or program produce income right away so that a portion can be funneled into marketing on a continual basis, thus funding the effort. So, you must take this requirement into consideration when selecting the product or program to offer when you are just starting out. By creating a habit of putting 10-20% of your income from your sales into your marketing effort, starting immediately, your business will continue to grow and flourish.

In conclusion, although the 5 key elements of success in marketing on the internet that is quality product, traffic, list building, relationship building and marketing budget are the basic requirements, each of them can become a topic of their own.

Quick Tips for Making Money Online…

Most people think that making money online is one of the most difficult things in the world and yet the reality is that anyone can make some serious money online. It really is easier than you think. Through this article you will learn how to do it fast and easy. So be ready with your bank account, because you will earn a lot of money if you follow these tips.

The basic requirements to successful marketing on the Internet can be broken down to 5 key elements...

· A quality product

· Traffic

· Building a list

· Relationship building and

· Budget.

The first key element is a “quality product”. You must have a quality product for a couple of reasons. Initially you need people to want your product and for it to accomplish its purpose - it it's no good, they won't buy. But, even if you can get people to purchase an inferior product or scam the first time, they will never buy from you again and you have totally defeated the long term goal of your marketing... customer retention, i.e. people on your list buying over and over when you introduce new items. In addition, you need to believe in the worth of your product to the consumer... if you don't, you simply will not be as successful in selling it.

Next, the second key element is that there must be enough “traffic” coming to your site. The traffic should be increased at regular times, because you will have more chances of sales or ad sense clicks, being visited by more people and more chances to earn money online. You need to create one or more methods of getting that traffic to your site and the best traffic is targeted. Targeted traffic results in a better conversion rate and therefore, more economical both in time and money. This can be accomplished in a number of different ways... from free on up. Once the traffic arrives at your site, it is very important to attempt to get the visitor's contact information... name and email at a minimum.

The third key element is “Building a list”. It is true that "The money is in the List". Often, the first time a prospect visits a site they won't actually do anything and there is a very real risk that they will forget about it later... when they are interested or have the time to look. If you haven't captured their contact information, you have forever lost that person... again, wasting marketing dollars. The page to do this is called a squeeze page, capture page or landing page with opt-in. It is also helpful to give something away, such as a repost, an e-book, etc. to entice the prospect to opt-in. However, that give-away must be of use to the person opting in so they feel that they received something of value. By doing this you are beginning to build a relationship. If the give-away provides nothing, you have done more harm than good to the promising relationship.

The next important key element is “Relationship”. Relationship or credibility is the next key to success in any form of marketing. People only purchase products or join programs when they trust or respect you. One of the best methods of creating this trust or respect on the impersonal "World Wide Web" is to use an auto responder to distribute a series of emails to the prospect at regular intervals. In these messages you can continue to talk about the benefits of the product or program you are selling. In addition, occasional broadcasts with key events or timely information maintain contact and build credibility. The regular emails create name recognition and imply some level or skill (even when you are just staring out - you know... "Fake it till you make it!") Audio or video on your website also help to create come familiarity and develop trust. People make initial buying decisions based on trust and continue to be interested in other offers over time from the same source resulting in customer retention.

Finally, but not necessarily last, you must have a “budget” set aside for marketing. Unless you have unlimited funds and don't mind wasting them, it is important that your product or program produce income right away so that a portion can be funneled into marketing on a continual basis, thus funding the effort. So, you must take this requirement into consideration when selecting the product or program to offer when you are just starting out. By creating a habit of putting 10-20% of your income from your sales into your marketing effort, starting immediately, your business will continue to grow and flourish.

In conclusion, although the 5 key elements of success in marketing on the internet that is quality product, traffic, list building, relationship building and marketing budget are the basic requirements, each of them can become a topic of their own.